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  • Writer's pictureMichael Collings

Let us unite in what we agree on: Jesus is Lord and God raised Him from the dead.

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Thank you for joining today as we seek God’s wisdom together. Let us begin with prayer.

“Lord Jesus, I ask that you take the words in this blog and breathe life into them. Apart from your anointing they are just words on a page. I ask that you quicken our hearts to hear, see, and act upon what you are trying to teach us by the Power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Romans 14: 5-9 (NASB).

5 One person values one day over another, another values every day the same. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 The one who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and the one who eats, does so with regard to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and the one who does not eat, it is for the Lord that he does not eat, and he gives thanks to God. 7 For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; 8 for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. 9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.

What the Word is Saying

Paul is continuing the sing song pattern he began in the first four verses of the chapter. If you do this, then this or if you don’t do this then this. The pattern is built around doctrinal issues affecting the church in the first century. You had some who would eat only vegetables, some who would eat meat. Some who worshipped the Lord on special days, and some who would not. Paul is saying it makes no difference spiritually, one must live according to what their faith allows them to do. Perhaps just as importantly each one should allow the other to live and walk according to their faith.

Because freedom in Christ Jesus had broken free of the law many Christians in that day did not observe Jewish customs. For instance, food butchered, or wine preserved had to be done in a specific way so as to follow the Torah. Similarly, there were those who still observed the sabbath and feasts did so because of Jewish custom. Therefore, at group meals which were a practice in the early Christian church, those who still practiced according to Jewish custom would not eat meat or drink wine. Likewise, those who observed the sabbath and days of feasts etc. did so because of custom. This was because they were unsure whether Jewish practices were followed in the preparation of those items. Likewise, the sabbath and Jewish days were observed as a memorial to their Jewish upbringing. Paul classifies some as those who were weak (still observing Jewish custom) and those who were strong (no longer bound to customs) but, does not give preference of one over the other. This was not an issue of belief in Jesus as Lord and His resurrection from the dead. These were doctrinal issues that were the personal convictions of each believer. While in chapter 15 we will learn Paul falls on the side of those who are free from the burden of customs, he understands and exhorts them to allow understanding for each other as well.

In our day the issues are similar to watching movies or not watching movies, dancing or not dancing, Christian music or non-Christian music, public school or private, cessation of the gifts of the Spirit or their continued manifestations, and the end of miracles or their current manifestations in the body of Christ. These are all doctrinal issues they are not everlasting life or eternal damnation issues. Yet the body of Christ, just as it was in the first century church, is divided over such issues. These are matters of faith and/or revelation by the Spirit of God. Although, we all should strive to live in accordance with what the Holy Spirit is telling us is the Father’s will. We should give grace to those who the Spirit has revealed differently from us, Unity in the body of Christ is imperative to our success. We simply cannot fulfill the mission of reaching the whole world with the Gospel without the help of each other. Each performing our role to complete the task.

If you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus, I encourage you to do so now. You have a part to play in this mission Jesus left to us when He ascended into heaven. The way to eternal life is a narrow door. You can only get to heaven by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead. The good news is that Jesus is holding open that door for you. Pray this prayer with me right now. Say it aloud right where you are: “Jesus I confess that you are the Lord of all, I believe that you came to this earth, lived a sinless life, suffered, and died on a cross for my sins, were buried in the tomb, and three days later rose again from the dead. I confess to you I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I ask that you send your Holy Spirit to come and lead me into all truth. In Jesus name, Amen.” If you prayed that prayer, I ask you to contact us. We would love the opportunity to stand beside you and hold you up as you begin your Journey with Jesus. If you are a Christian and feel the Holy Spirit pulling on you to soften your heart in regard to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I encourage you to confess it. Then ask the Holy Spirit to soften your heart and give you the love He has for the Body of Christ.

Thank you for joining me today as we searched the scriptures for What the Word is Saying to us Today. I pray that God would send His Holy Spirit into our lives anew and fill us again with His love and His purpose for us.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

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