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  • Writer's pictureMichael Collings

Romans 8:38-39 Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God part 2.

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Thank you for joining today as we seek God’s wisdom together. Let us begin with prayer.

“Lord Jesus, I ask that you take the words in this blog and breathe life into them. Apart from your anointing they are just words on a page. I ask that you quicken our hearts to hear, see, and act upon what you are trying to teach us by the Power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.”

As always, we start with the word of God. Today we will be looking at Romans 8: 38-39:

Romans 8: 38-39 (NLT).

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither our fears for today not our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

What the Word is Saying

If nothing can separate us from the love of God. What is the love of God that Paul is referring to here? “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, NLT).” The sum total of God’s love for us is that He gave of Himself, His greatest possession, to us so that we might live with Him forever.

I think sometimes we as Christian's gloss over what it meant for the Father to send His son into this fallen world to save us. He not only had to watch everything occur, but He knew from the beginning of time that He would have to do it. This is no small thing. Imagine you knew your only son is going to be born before it happens. And in order to save all of humanity from the tragedy which they created themselves that your son would have to live a short life. Much of it in suffering due to the surroundings in which you are sending Him. Then He would die a violent death for crimes that He, Himself did not commit because if He did not then all of Humanity would die separated from God. What a burden that is. What a love that must be.

It is inconceivable because we do not possess that kind of love. We were a fallen people. Greed, pride, disobedience. Violence, and death was the chain that weighted us down. Not only could we not do as God did in sending His Son to die for us. We would not see the need to. This is where the world is, the unbelieving are left to live their lives in a fallen state. However, those who have come to believe in Jesus and the work that He did on the cross for us are free from those chains. I am reminded of a video I watched recently of a group of men involved in Minnesota Teen Challenge. These men all have been in the grips of alcohol and sin and unable to break free. However, upon going through treatment there many find a relationship with Christ. Some choose to become part of a choir that is sent out to churches to witness of what God has done in their lives. This particular video I watched had a young man who was not necessarily gifted with a heavenly voice. But, He sang aloud about How Jesus is a “Chain breaker.” What a sight, first of all we are all aware that to the heavenly Father this man’s voice is greater than the angels, because he is singing out of his love for what the Father has done. Secondly, he is acutely aware of what the love of God has done in his life. The Fathers gift of His Son has broken the chains that had held him to his addictions. He has been set free forever. Nothing can separate him from that freedom.

The actions of God are irrevocable. Nothing we do or say can separate us from the love that God has for us. Violence, sin, anger, hurt, fear, lack of faith in trials and tribulations all cannot separate us from God’s love. He looks upon us and sees His Son’s blood washing away all of our sins. He does not leave our side to face the calamity of the world, in fact when the world becomes too much for us to bear, He carries us through. Not only has he set us free from the chains that held us to sin, but He has made us His own. We are heirs with Christ Jesus. Not just in our eternal destiny to spend eternity with Him. That is irrevocable, we are saved. He has also made us His own. That means He never leaves us or forsakes us. This is the grace of God that we all have found. That means that when we fall God does not tell us to get up. He does not reach down to pull us up by the hand. Rather, it means He himself bends down to His knees and lifts us up in His arms so that we might walk again. What a beautiful picture. What a great and awesome God we have. May His name be the glory and honor, forever and ever in Jesus' name.

If this all seems foreign to you it could be that you do not yet know the grace and mercy that God has for you. He sent His Son into this world to die for you. He did it to set you free from the sin that has bound you. He can break you free from the chains if you confess him as Lord and believe God has raised Jesus from the dead. Pray this prayer with me right now, right where you are, say it aloud. “Jesus, I confess that you are Lord of all, I believe that you died on a cross, were put in the grave, and then the Father raised you from the dead again on the third day. I confess to you that I am a sinner, I ask you to forgive me and if you lead me, I will follow you wherever you ask me to go.” If you prayed that prayer, I pray that God washes you in the blood of Jesus and pours out His peace and Joy upon you to overflowing. I ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and lead you into all truth. Contact us and we will help you. I encourage you to find a church. Maybe there is someone you know that is a Christian. Find them and ask them to help you. Believe me when I say that we have all been where you are. We consider it a privilege to stand beside you as you begin your journey with God.

Thank you for joining me today as we explored God’s word together. I consider it a privilege to study it with you and provide a little insight into What the Word is Saying today!

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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